Page 10 - 臺中市第二十八屆大墩美展專輯
P. 10

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                               第一名    80  ໢ࡌ҃  YEH Hsiu-Hung                       入    選  86  ؍ܠѹ  LIN Szu-Yu
                              First Prize                                          Short List
                                          ؇ս་gᎲژᑌĸThe Poem of SU Shi                           ௗ଀׼ ࣹڀ๕াĸA TALE of the Fountain of the
                                                                                               Peach Blossom Spring
                               第二名    81  ௓͗ᎌ  CHEN Yu-Lin
                            Second Prize
                                          ༊ኈgੵೞʞԊᑌĸTrying Ink. ZHANG                       87  ௓݇տ  CHEN Chao-Kun
                                          Qin's Five-Character Couplet                         ၌ʹуԫɓ࠯ĸDragon Boat Festival Immediate Poems

                               第三名    82  ߏڿή  CHI Kuan-Ti                                 88  ࢀɻ૶  HSIA Shih-Ching
                             Third Prize
                                          ፽؍ɿᔫᅱ݆༷ᘒᙂυ་ĸPoems of Visiting                        ϡ౱ኊ ᑗϪ̀ĸLinjiangxian by ZHU Dun-Ru
                                          Baojue Temple in Late Spring
                                                                                           89  അ͑๕  PI Yung-Yuan
                               優    選  83  մئʆ  CHOU He-Shan                                   ൄ࣬ᗈĸCai Gen Tan (Cabbage Root Talk)
                           Award of Merit
                                          ጽࠃ་̩ĸPoem by XIAO Yan
                                                                                           90  ௓گӲ  CHEN Lu-Nan
                                      84  රڿຄ  HUANG Kuan-Yu                                   ஹዑ݆˚༷ၽʕʮ෤་ĸThe Poetry of Spring Day
                                          ԏኣረĸOde to the Red Cliff                             Trip to Taichung Park by LIAN Heng

                                      85  մؚᅆ  CHOU Hsin-Hui                               91  ˙ͭᛆ  FANG Li-Chuan
                                          ֢ͣ׸་ĸThe Poem of PEI                                 ی҂௔ದ߇௕ĸAutumn by Southern Song's LU You
                                                                                           92  юΛୂ  WU Chi-Hsiang
                                                                                               ື፽ࣣᗅĸEssay on Calligraphy

                                                                                           93  ؍қ҃  LIN Chih-Hung
                                                                                               ˮၪ་ʞ࠯ĸFive Poems by WANG Wei
                                                                                           94  ੵඓೱ  CHANG Chun-Hao
                                                                                               ༩ᔷ๣᎘ׁԈĸThe Road Turned and the Head of the
                                                                                               Stream Was Suddenly Seen

                                             書             法類                           78      黃智陽  HUANG Chih-Yang

                                                                                                 評審感言  Jury's Comments

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